Charles Tsai-Way Wu
May 31, 1951 - July 17, 2020
At Greater Niagara General Hospital on Friday, July 17, 2020, Charles Tsai-Way Wu of London in his 70th year. Beloved husband of Ellen and son of Hai-Fung Wu and the late Tsun Wu. Stalwart Bedrock and father to Margaret of Toronto and Frederick Wu also of Toronto. Dear brother of Tsai-Yu and Tsai-Zhong both of Taipei. A memorial service will be conducted at the NORTHVIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL, 1490 Highbury Avenue North, on Friday, July 24, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. with visitation one hour prior.
Registration is required. To register for Charles’ memorial service, please click the RSVP link on the left.
Please note: as per the directive of the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, attendance numbers will be restricted. Please be aware that masks are mandatory and COVID-19 protocols are in place which may preclude some from being able to attend. Due to restricted room capacity, overflow seating will be utilized which may prevent guests from personally interacting with the family.
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I knew Charlie through UWO. He was always a gentleman and will be missed. My condolences to his family and friends.
印象中,華岡道上,苗圃營地,社教館裡,都有才煒兄專業溫暖的扶助,和單純爽朗的笑容,是一盞自備永續電池,樂於為他人付出、引路的心燈。這應也是創團藍縷,必備的人格特質吧! 只是來不及說聲道別,和定國兄一樣,灑脫地留下孩子般的笑聲,和飄然而去的身影,徒然留下我們哀傷不已的思念!謝謝、永懷才煒兄! 方元珍敬筆
As a member of the XRF community we were involved with Dr Wu for his yearly course in London. Dr Wu was always inviting and a great host, but also guided the course and activities in the background. He will be remembered as a gentleman, and please accept our condolences in your time of grief. Regards John Dykeman Montreal formerly with Bruker-Siemens XRF group.
My deepest condolences to the family and friends. A big lost for the XRF community. It was a pleasure to learn from Charlie. We will always remember his kindness and friendly smile. Eduardo Quintero XRF Scientific, Montreal
Our deepest condolences for your loss. We wish you peace and comfort as you grieve.
My deepest condolences to the family. Charles leaves an enormous gap in the hearts of all who knew him, and in the XRF community he will never be forgotten. Caroline Greatti, Belgium
Sorry to hear about the passing of Charles. On Saturdays I did Tai Chi with Charles, he was so friendly and kind. He will be missed.
Charlie was my "go-to guy" for analytical services for many years. His cheerful attitude and willingness to help in whatever way he could were very much appreciated. I am sad to know that he is no longer with us but I am uplifted by the many happy memories I have of working with him. I send my condolences to his family. Sheila (Biology at Western)
I met Charlie at the 1998 Denver X-Ray Conference at Steamboat Springs, my one and only time to attend. Met him my first evening there, in the ski lift tram. There were 4 or 5 of us on the tram, I think, and Charlie started introducing himself right away. Got to talk to him at the get together at the top that evening (Philips held it, I think), and then ran across him a few other times during the course of the Conference and got time to speak with him. VERY nice gentleman, and very eager to offer any advice to someone who had just begun managing an XRF lab. Charlie helped make my one and only DXC. My condolences to his family and friends. Joe Cruse CCMA Calvert City, KY
I remember Charles (Charlie) from even before I joined the Department of Geology in 1987. And during my time in the department I will always remember his earnest efforts to provide a wide variety of geochemical analysis to everyone who came to him with their geochemical problems. He took deserved great pride in his organization of the annual international XRF short course for many years, which brought important recognition to our department. He was patient and kind but also knew his mind. I am saddened that he is now gone but he will not be forgotten by us.
Dear Ellen and family, Thinking of you and sending our love. We are very sorry to hear of Charlie’s passing. We are thankful for our time shared as neighbours. Peace be with you. Frank and Connie Zolotar
RIP, Charlie. It was good to have known you and I will always remember the nice two weeks XRF training we had in London. It has always been a motivation to continue working in this "mad" X-ray world. Sending my personal as well as Rigaku condolences to the family and close friends for the loss of this special, friendly "individual": Charlie Wu Also my thanks to the "new XRF team" for letting us know. A warm greeting from Brazil. Cumprimentos respeitosos / Saludos cordiales / With friendly regards /宜しくお願い致します, Pol De Pape • Managing Director Rigaku Latin America Caixa Postal 7302, Avenida Washington Soares 3000, Loja 25, Luciano Cavalcante, CEP 60813-830, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil M: +55(85)981502321 • Skype: poldepape2
I was surprised and saddened to learn about Mr. Charlie Wu's passing. We met in the senior gathering in CCNC. He was an amazing person, a gentleman, a nice kind man always helping others. It was truly a pleasure get to know him. We all will miss him deeply. From Mrs. Ang Ngo
My deepest sympathy to the family. I fondly remember my interactions with Charlie, particularly in teaching, but also simply having some great conversations. He will be missed.
Family of Dr. Wu, I am so sorry to learn of Dr. Wu's passing. We were acquainted through Western. He always had a friendly smile and kind word to share, and didn't waste an opportunity even in passing to share a moment of good humor. He will be missed and well remembered. Sincerely, Holly Sanderson
I met Charlie some twenty years ago when I attended the XRF course at UWO. That was my formal introduction to XRF and the XRF community. I know there are so many who would gladly credit Charlie for being their guru and guide to the XRF world. We all are going to miss him for sure. Angelo R. Fernando Cameco Corporation, Saskatoon, SK.
Dear Wu family, It was with shock and dismay that I learned from Maggi Loubser of the passing of Charlie Wu. Maggi's eulogy to Charlie was a wonderful tribute to him and what he did for so many in the XRF community, and far beyond. I wanted also to pay tribute to Charlie and what he did for me, and perhaps to fill in some of the gaps before Maggi, Mike and Alexander became part of Charlie's life. I first met Charlie, never Charles, in 1989 at a Short course in X-ray Fluorescence Analysis in the Geological Sciences - Advances in Methodology, Geological Association of Canada, May, 1989 held at the University of Montreal and organised by Prof Tariq Ahmedali. I must confess to having had some initial difficulty in understanding his English, but learned very quickly to interpret what he was trying to say to me and we struck up a friendship that lasted for the rest of his life. He expressed an interest in starting up an XRF course at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) in London, Ontario, and together we ran a trial one-week course in 1990. He was happy with the feedback from the participants and I invited him to attend the XRF course at the University of Cape Town in January 1990 to evaluate whether the course, given by myself and Andy Duncan, would be suitable for presentation also at UWO. Charlie decided it was, and in August 1990 the UWO XRF course was born. London, Ontario, UWO and Delaware Hall proved to be a magnificent, beautiful and practical venue for the course. For the next 15 years I was privileged, with Charlie and Andy Duncan, to be able to present the UWO XRF course. Every year, it was with great excitement and anticipation that I would arrive by bus from Toronto, exhausted after a 30 hour trip from South Africa, to be met by an always smiling, cheerful and highly organised Charlie. He really was an amazing organiser and one could not have wished for a better course administrator, usually friendly but tough as nails when he needed to be. Without Charlie the course would not have been the success that it became. It was HIS course, and HE made it what it was. UWO was a wonderful venue with its beautiful stone buildings, its trees and lawns and the London River winding through it all. I will always remember with joy and pleasure the long evening walks we had along the river banks, taking the time to rejuvenate our souls and spirits after a hectic day. And then Charlie decided we needed to spend a good relaxing day out on the Saturday after the first week, so he organised the bus tour to Niagara Falls. WOW, what a treat that was! An early start after the usual magnificent breakfast at Delaware Hall, the food was always superb and we needed those evening walks to try to keep our weight down (!), with picnic lunches and suitable refreshments packed in the bus we began our long trip to Niagara. Along the way we had beautiful scenery, a wine tasting, followed by a relaxing picnic lunch on the banks of the Niagara River. Those of us who were privileged to be on Charlie's bus tour will never forget the visit to Fort George, the flower clock and hydro-electric plant, the Spanish Aero Car over the Whirlpool, and finally the stop at the Niagara Falls. There it was the Maid of the Mist boat trip, the flow, spray and thunder of the falls, the walk along the promenade with the souvenir shops, and then, just as it seemed things couldn't get any better, dinner in the revolving restaurant at the top of the Skylon Tower. What a day it was! Never to be forgotten, and all thanks to Charlie and his organisational genius. Apart from organising an excellent XRF course for so many years, I think one of Charlie's outstanding contributions to the XRF fraternity was his organisation in 2004 of the 3-day "Symposium on Fundamental Parameters, Influence Coefficients and Quantitative XRF Analysis" which brought together some of the most experienced minds in XRF spectrometry. Charlie's other stroke of genius was to invite Gerry Lachance to be part of the UWO XRF course and to act as a mentor to the participants. Gerry, with his encyclopaedic and fundamental knowledge and experience of XRF and his gentle approach to explaining difficult concepts, was a huge asset to the course. Again all thanks to Charlie. You will have understood from the above what an important part Charlie Wu played in my life, both as a colleague and a friend. I just wish I could have been at his funeral to honour him and tell his family in person how much he did for and meant to me. To his family I offer my deepest sympathy and condolences. You will miss him more than all of us, but the many tributes coming in will assure you how much he meant to so many people, and how grateful we all are to have known him, and to have shared in his life. Charlie, go in peace my friend, and I hope we can meet again in another life. It would be an honor and a pleasure. James (Willis)
It’s sad to hear that Dr. Charles Wu passed away so suddenly. I came to know Charles soon after joining Western when I was looking for making some XRD measurements. He stretched his helpful hand to me. He had such a nice and cheerful personality that it’s hard not to be attracted to him. Very quickly we became good friends. Over the years and as he moved from Geological Science to the Biotron, he had been very helpful to me and provided assistance to many of my students and postdocs until his retirement. We appreciated and valued his help. In particular, his cheerful personality will always be remembered. We express our deepest condolences to his family. Wankei Wan and members of the Wan Lab.
吳大哥,有幸於2017年10月與您結識,童木章193期的隊友、好夥伴。您對於童軍運動的熱情、奉獻,已成為中流砥柱的標竿及指標,您的精神和指導成為晚輩這幾年不論在學業、社團、職場上的養分和宗旨。距離我們下次約定相聚的時間是這麼的近,令人不捨。祝福您一路好走,永懷吳大哥。 林崇安 敬筆
願上主的安慰臨到才煒兄的夫人Ellen,千金 Margaret 並公子 Frederick。 我與才煒兄的夫人認識超過半世紀,她常常盛讚才煒兄 的能幹,鼓勵並支持,讓她成為一個好醫師。三年多前 有機會與其公子 Frederick 在多倫多一會後,益覺才煒兄 與其夫人的言教和身教,培養二個兒女各有所成,亦各 所專。願上主一路帶領才煒兄好走,進入安息! 羅志強牧師敬筆(亞省卡城)
I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. I met Charles through Huff’N Puff a few years ago at Walk-Fit, Aqua-Fit and cycling. He was a kind gentle soul with a great big smile and sparkle in his eyes. I always looked forward to seeing him there and will miss his friendship. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family...
悼 慟 悲 才煒學長 華岡羅浮群在草創時期,您與祝壽二人辛勤的建立制度,以做為童軍中流砥柱為標竿。您們為華岡羅浮群奠定了基業磐石,居功厥偉,惜今皆英年殞逝,令人傷痛不捨! 記得您因疫情關係,曾多次關心50年團慶確切舉辦日期,以便買機票回來,熱忱感人肺腑;然今距9月20日50團慶不到2個月,您卻先不告別!一個未圓的心願,您和我們共同的遺憾與沉痛。天國雖遠,而您的關愛必然常佑華岡羅浮群,丕業欣榮。不盡的思念,祝禱您與主同在,一路好走! 林錦盛三指
Charles and I have come a long way. Although we belong to a different Faculty at Western, we had managed to develop some common interests professionally and socially. For all my years in London, I seldom get to know the Chinese community. Charles was instrumental in introducing me to the local community, and to assist in my extracurricular activity development. When I need help, he always made himself available. I recall the times when Dr Steven Aung of Edmonton came to London for his lectures and Qi Gong lesson, he was always there to assist, support and participate. In fact, he had recently signed up to promote and develop my latest project concerning the Viking Foundation for Integrative Health. Charles was such a selfless, thoughtful, and inspiring person; and he will be missed deeply by us all. Ed Lui
Our deepest condolences and sympathy with your family, and our prayers are with you. It is a very difficult time for all of us. You will be remembered forever. May you rest in peace.
~ Philip and Betty Tong